Random Away Days Revisited – Watford

Random away days revisited – Watford Sunday 15th May 2016

It’s widely acknowledged that the close season drags on and is pretty shit, so in this post “Random Away Days Revisited – Watford” we reflect on happier times. That said in 5 weeks time SAFCBlog will be reporting from the Portugal pre season friendlies with the usual level of cutting edge, high intellect journalism. Still waiting to hear from Sagres Lager to finalise a deal, (only a matter of time?).

Having done 6 of the 10, End of Season Awards”~ Awards 7,8,9 & 10 are on hold, (will be published sometime this month). As always, generous thanks to Mr C Greenwood, of The Cockwell Inn, HG3, (booking advised) ~ (New menu launching Mon. 24th June ~ Fish Friday, Meat Free Monday and Sausage Saturday are the highlights).

Following the appeal for sensible suggestions to safcblog1@gmail.com

~ David Chicken, (surely not?), of Ashington, Teeside suggested, “don’t bother, its shit, you’re a cock”

~ In a similar vain, Sam Dawson, (seems legit?), of Bell End Farm, Billingham, Durhamshire suggested, “waste of time, get a proper fucking job you knobber”

~ On a more positive note, Terry Griffiths of Llanelli, said, “Alrigh, not going to lie to you, I loves it, it’s a tidy blog boyo”.

On the basis of such excellent feedback, the decision was made to pen a new subject matter…. given SAFCBlog has only been going 3 months and loads of people contacted the media team to say, “it would be a great idea to revisit some of your trips from years gone by?”

So, in a 4 part series, (yes, I’ve learnt that 10 was not a good idea!?)

We have….

1 ~ Watford Channel 4 day

2 ~ Match of the Day commentator kidnap

3 ~ West Brom shower day

4 ~ TBC


So, after a very decent weds night at the SOL, when we put, (an admittedly hapless), Everton to the sword…. I’m sure it will crop up on a lot of people’s best games? We all have our SAFC memories, for all sorts of reasons… but what a night? Shared with special friends and more so my beloved dad, (it was great), the 4 day period of Defoe demolishing Chelsea and the 3~0 vs Everton were just perfect; family always comes first…. but fucking hell; football ticks an awful lot of boxes! Only wish is the bearded fool would have been with us; but we’ll definitely make up for it… in the words of my favourite Bradford based photocopier salesman …… “look forward, not back and always keep smiling”

One of those rare moments, when the SOL is a wonderful place to be…. Fathers Day today…. of course I’d have liked the last year to have panned out differently … but “don’t be sad it’s over…. just be happy it ever happened”
Random Away Days Revisited
Oh what a night…….beer, (X an awful lot), has been consumed! Defoe, (left), looks a bit scared???

So, we’ve sent the mags led by a fat Spanish waiter down to the Abyss of the Championship, (imagine going that low eh?), and we have a trip to Watford that is effectively a party, yes ….. we are on the beach…… now there’s a thought???

Random Away Days Revisited
And we’re off to Watford Beach
Random Away Days Revisited
Beach party, Harold Bishop, (centre), of Neighbours fame….not looked this happy since he climbed on that ginger pensioner who was in Prisoner Cell Block H? (One for the youngsters)

Upon arrival in a car park in Watford, our man at the wheel, (Harold Bishop), says he has something to tell us……… in summary….

……Pete Brandon will meet us shortly, as he has 2 girls hidden in his car, who have been hiding overnight at his gaff in London, who are taking part in the Channel 4 show Hunted, our driver had met them at the car wash the other day in a garden centre in York, Harold Bishop has agreed to hide said girls for the day and take them wherever they need to go…. all pretty straight forward???

Given our destination is Watford Weatherspoon’s followed by a Premier League game and a dirty kebab shop, whilst dressed in beach clothes ~ it is decided we might not be overly “discreet?”. Fear not ~ it’s agreed the girls will hide in the boot whilst we go to the game!

Random Away Days Revisited
Anna and Elizabeth…… Channel 4 contestants ~ Just a normal away day?? They’re not even off to the match and they look miserable!

Match 2~2

When Sir Elton John named the stand in the backdrop ~ he can only dreamt of a more fitting couple to promote said stand???? Can’t imagine how much Nigel Kennedy and Harold Bishop would charge?????

Back to car, pissed, sign a load of paperwork with channel 4 media types, (they look a bit concerned!), and head to secret venue where the Hunted Girls have somewhere to stay….. Leamington Spa!! No idea where that is ~ but it didn’t seem to be between Watford and Harrogate? Bizarre journey as Channel 4 media car follows and we have a Go Pro fitted to record us! Don’t watch TV … but apparently the show is a ‘survival exercise?’ ~ we survived on peroni and pork pies, (sponsorship opportunities available ~ contact the media team at safcblog1@gmail.com)

Long story short, (ish), leave girls and media crew at Leamington Spa gaff, after a fraught exchange. To be fair, if pissed bloke in a sombrero knocked on my door, saying he has 2 girls to hide in your house, and your landlord, (who’s on holiday), says it’s ok….I’d perhaps have reservations??

Despite the Go Pro recording a couple of hours of intellectual chat…. none of it made it to the airwaves! Bizarre??

After a 3 hour detour, we head north.

Let himself go since Jonny Marr jumped ship?

Tomorrow….. more cutting edge journalism

2/4 ~ SAFCBlog kidnap a Match of the Day commentator……..